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< Back to Article ListExporting Data from JunariCRM+ v7
Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:43:21 UTC by Junari Assistant
To export data from CRM+ v7, find the list you want to export (e.g. the Companies list), and filter it for the records you want to export.
If you want to export more than 80 records at a time, you need to change the number of records displayed. To do this, click the text that says 1-80 in the top-right of the list
This will then change to a drop-down, where you can choose to export up to 5,000 records at once
Next, click the checkbox at the top-right of the list of records, to select all records
Now select More Actions -> Export
When exporting, you need to pick the fields to export as shown below
Some fields, such as "Account Manager" and "Country" are lookup fields and may result in special "codes" showing in the output, like the below
In those cases, when exporting make sure you have selected the "Export All Data" option, then expand the field, as shown below, and add the "Name" column
Now the export should contain the actual data you need