Xero Link Getting Started Email

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:43:21 UTC by Junari Assistant

This email can be sent to new users of the Xero link...

We're pleased to let you know that we've now enabled integration between your Junari system and Xero.

To start using it, you'll need to do the following:

1. Connect your Junari User Account to Xero

Click the "My Profile" button under your username in the top-right of the system

Click the "Connect to Xero" button on the screen that appears

Select your Xero Organisation to allow your Junari system to access it

When you see this message, you can close the tab to return to your Junari system

2. Connect Junari Customer records to Xero

In order to invoice your customers, you need to associate your Junari contacts with Xero contacts. You can do this via the Sales & Purchase tab on your customer records as shown below

Select an existing Xero contact, or create a new one, then press Save on the Junari contact to save the association.

3. Start posting invoices from Junari to Xero!

Now that you have associated your Junari and Xero contacts, you can start invoicing them. To do this, raise an invoice in your Junari system, then press the "Create Invoice in Xero" button on the invoice as shown below

The invoice will be marked as Posted in your your Junari system