Entering Debug Mode

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:43:21 UTC by Junari Assistant

Why go into Debug mode?

Debug mode may be needed to allow you to make advance Studio changes such as using calculated fields.

What do I need to consider before doing this?

Any changes to Odoo must be done in either a staging environment or a sandbox environment, the URL's for these will change over time so please find the links here.

You may find you need to re enter Debug mode due to the fact there is a new instance of the staging environment. 

How do I go into Debug Mode?

Option 1: In the URL (website address), immediately after "/web", insert "?debug=1", as highlighted

Option 2: Go Into "Apps and settings" on the Main CRM page 

next, select "Settings" on the top menu 

Now scroll down and under "Developer tools" select "Activate Developer mode" 

You will now see the following symbol to indicate you are in developer mode !