Email: Project Kick-Off and Scoping Workshop set up / invitation

Last updated: 13 June 2024 at 15:04:48 UTC by Dom Tyler


If, as PM, you have not yet had a chance to speak with the prospective client, it may be useful to add the following sentence just prior to the end of your email:

It would also be great if we could have a 15 minute chat with you prior to the meeting, to allow me to introduce myself and answer any immediate questions you might have.  If you have some availability for this please feel free to book that here [REPLACE WITH 15 MIN CALENDLY LINK].

Email Template

Subject: Arranging your Project Kick-off and Scoping Workshop

From: PM

To: Our main customer contact (as they'll usually arrange dates with their colleagues)



Body: (As below)

Dear *Insert name*

We’re delighted that you’ve decided to go ahead with our Project Kick-off and Scoping Workshop.  I’ll be leading your project, so we will be working together a lot over the coming months.

If not recently done so, it would be useful for you to review your Whiteboard with your colleagues - a link for which is here *insert link*Please also see the proposal that was sent to you, as it includes a guide agenda for your workshop and details of what you can do in advance in order to make the best use of our time.

Aside from yourself, attendees should include other people in your organisation who understand your business as a whole, and whomever else is best positioned to discuss top level requirements from each department in more detail.

Your workshop will take around three hours of your time, so as such, please at your soonest can you let us know whether any of the following dates and times would be suitable?

  • *Bullet point list of dates / times in the format Day, DD/MM/YYYY, Time From - Time To*
  • e.g. Friday, 25/12/2012, 13:00 - 16:00

We look forward to hearing from you


(Standard Email footer)

Calendly links (if required)

Calendar invitation details

Subject: Invitee 1, Invitee 2 (Organisation Name): Junari Project Kick-off and Scoping Workshop
Duration: 3 Hours
Body: If not recently done so, it would be useful for you to review your Whiteboard with your colleagues - a link for which is here
*insert link*.  Please also see the proposal that was sent to you, as it includes a guide agenda for your workshop and details of what you can do in advance in order to make the best use of our time.

Original notes to be reviewed (NOT TO BE EMAILED OR INCLUDED IN INVITE!)


Walk through the primary objectives for the new system, so that everyone is clear on the overall goals of the project.

By the end of the workshops we should have an agreed, prioritised set of objectives to be tackled during the implementation.

Identify risks with unique and complex reqs as early as possible so we can plan for them


By the end of the workshops we should have an agreed, prioritised set of objectives (called “Epics” in the agile world) to be tackled during the implementation.

We’ll then use these prioritised, high-level objectives to guide our detailed discussions in the Requirements sessions



  • We use the Sales Whiteboard as the prompt for discussion, since this is what forms the proposal
  • In the background, the technical lead (e.g. russ) records discussions as logical Epics in the Release and Sprint Board project along with notes (which will become tasks)
  • At the end of the workshop, the epics are revealed and prioritised

Workshop 1 structure

  • Welcome & Agenda Check
  • Project Team and Delivery Method
  • How Junari Delivers Projects (agile)
    • Who is involved (team)
    • Schedule (sprints) - fixed duration, features variable
    • Ceremonies
      • russ talks through these using the example graphic (with planning, requirements gathering, etc. on it)
      • Russ will discuss about the review prep (the customer will present to their peers)
        • can ask who will do it
  •  How your organisation Works
    • customer spends 20 mins talking through their org
  • Break 10 mins
  • New System Objectives - part 1
    • We talk through the whiteboard for 50 mins
  • Progress, Actions & Next Steps

Workshop 2 structure

  • Welcome & Agenda Check - 5 mins
  • New System Objectives part 2 - 55 mins
  • Break - 10 mins
  • Objectives Prioritisation - 20 mins
  • Roles and Responsibilities - 15 mins
  • Sprint Schedule Check - 10 mins
    • Check the dates of sprints on the junari project system?
  • Actions & Next Steps - 5 mins

Project manager notes:

- When the kick-off and scoping meeting as been scheduled a new project needs to be set up in CRM as a agile project, the first sprint then needs to be added as the work shop, where the project manager needs to put the cost of the sprint into the project billing tab, you can find the cost of the kick-off and scoping workshop by looking in the proposal 

Future ideas 

(TO DO) At the stage we show the whiteboard, add a note that the workshop(s) can cover as much as poss across the whole project (i.e. all priorities), but confirm the scope of THIS initial project

  • Setup the following meetings (or send out email with calendly links) for the upcoming Sprint - see main Agile PM guide for additional details (first Sprint handled in Workshop, latter sprints in Sprint Planning)
    • Requirements Gathering
    • Planning
    • Customer Standup
    • Handover
    • Review & Retro
  • (TBC)

Slides to use can be found here


Kick-off, kickoff, kick off