Configuring Shop Order Confirmation Email

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:43:21 UTC by Junari Assistant

The Odoo eCommerce sends an email to customers when they submit an order. This sends a mail similar to the below:

Customising the Email

This email can be customised via Apps & Settings -> Customisation -> Email Templates

Search for "Sales Order" and pick the "Sales Order: Confirmation Email" template

This template is quite "technical" - it has a lot of conditional logic in it, so care needs to be taken when editing it.

You can configure the "From" address and other details on the "Email Configuration" tab, for example, you can set the From address to a static

Before making changes it is a good idea to make a backup.

You can do this using the "Duplicate" action on the original, and then giving the copy a name of backup copy

Now you can return to the main template and make your changes to the text, ensuring that any conditional logic (with '%' signs) is left in-tact

Advanced Editing

If you have problems with the template stopping working, it is sometimes safer to edit the text directly in the "Source Code" of the template. This can be done using the Code View option in the editor, and gives you access to the underlying code and logic of the template directly