Creating Custom Fields and adding them to views

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:43:21 UTC by Junari Assistant


As a user you may wish to add custom fields to your system to enable you to capture additional information, you can use the "Customisation" menu in settings to do this 


You can find the process in a how to guide here Junari Creating custom fields and views - YouTube

The basic steps are:

1. Open the Settings app and locate the Customisation menu

2. Create the Custom Field in Customisation -> Custom Fields
     NOTE: To create custom fields for Organisations or Contacts, select "Contact" in the "model" field when creating the custom field

3. Add the field to the appropriate View in Customisation -> Custom Views

Other considerations:

If you can not see the "Customisation" option you may not have access therefore please contact or log a portal ticket for help