Monitoring Stock Levels

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:43:21 UTC by Junari Assistant

Your system allows you to track stock levels of all products with a "Type" of "Storable Product"

Current stock levels are shown in the main products list under the main Products menu

And when you click on a product, at the top of the Product screen

Forecasted Inventory Report

You can click the "Forecasted" smart button at the top of the products screen to access the Forecasted Inventory report

This report shows the following figures:

Quantity of Units On Hand

This is the total quantity of stock expected to be physically in your warehouse at the present time.

This does not take into account any stock expected in. Any stock reserved for sales orders (and not yet sent out) is included in this figure

Forecasted figure

This is the calculated future stock level, taking into account the current stock level, plus all incoming "reserved" stock receipts, minus all outgoing "reserved" stock receipts.


Quantity On Hand
Confirmed Quantity On Order (incoming stock receipts ready to process)
Confirmed Quantity To Dispatch (outgoing delivery orders with stock reserved)

In the case of multiple stock locations, this figure takes into account the main stock locations and all "child" locations.

Forecasted +  Pending figure:

This is the Forecasted figure, plus any Draft stock receipts (from RFQs and new Purchase Orders), minus any Draft delivery orders (from Quote Lines and new Sales Orders)


Forecasted figure


Draft Quantity On Order (draft stock moves + sales quote lines)


Draft Quantity To Dispatch (draft stock moves + RFQ lines)#

Viewing the Stock Moves that make up the above figures 

The best view for looking at stock moves is actually under Inventory -> Reporting -> Product Moves

You can search this view by Product as shown in the screenshot below, and then group by Date

Viewing the Draft Sales Order Lines and Draft PO Lines that make up the Forecasted + Pending figures

You can access Draft (+confirmed) Sale (and quote) and PO lines using the corresponding buttons on the product

When viewing Sales Quote/Order lines for a product, you can use the Group By -> Quote/Order Status option to get an overview of the lines included in the forecast

In the case of Sales Quotes, only lines in the "Quotation" and "Quotation Sent" statuses are included in the Forecasted + Pending figure, so in the above example, 1,479 units are pending to be sold and are added to the Forecast

In the case of Purchase Orders, only PO lines in the "RFQ" and "RFQ Sent" statuses are included in the Forecasted + Pending figure.