Advanced: Adding 'hidden' fields to Contact Forms

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:43:21 UTC by Junari Assistant

If you have a Contact Form on your website that created a Lead (for example), you may have certain information, such as the Lead Title and Source, that you want added to new leads created by the contact form, but you don't want to show those fields to the user.

While there is a "Hidden" option for fields, it does not let you easily set the value of the field that you want to save into the backend, so it is easier to do this in the source code of the form.

To edit this, in the menu go to Pages -> Manage Pages

Then click the "Edit code in backend" button (indicated below)

Finally, add a "hidden" input tag for each field that you want to set

for example:

            <input type="hidden" name="name" value="Website: Fast Online Quote"/>

            <input type="hidden" name="source_id" value="10" />