ALCs and Junari: JAMS catch-up meetings

Last updated: 22 November 2023 at 16:43:53 UTC by Finlay Wilson


  • ALC's have sent over any questions they would like to raise on the call 

  • ALC's have reported any bugs or enhancements they would like to discuss 

Suggested Agenda

  • (Junari Operations manager) Shares screen, give an update on the current bugs in the system and talk through any additional information needed 

  • (Junari Operations manager) Reviews "backlog" of tasks (i.e. those to be considered for development in future updates), so ALC's can discuss and agree upon priorities 

    • Note that enhancements will be carried out at a pace set based on funding from the signing up of new ALC

      • (ALC's) Ask any outstanding general enquiries about how the system works

  • AOB

    • e.g. ALC's to provide any other feedback on how their getting on with the system