For Dom: How to send a second email campaign to Recycly prospects

Last updated: 25 September 2023 at 16:43:21 UTC by Junari Assistant

1. Log into Mailshake (details saved in LastPass).

2. Campaigns > New Campaign.

3. Set "General" fields as below (but set campaign title according to the set of prospects you'll be emailing as per next steps).

4. Click "Prospects" at the bottom.

5. Choose "Existing List" (the far right tab).

6. Click in the "Choose prospects..." field and select the appropriate set of prospects for your campaign.

These lists are:

"Second campaign (post price change)" = prospects that have already had 4 x emails, and some have had 5th, 6th and even 7th emails as well as multiple phone call attempts. None of these have yet expressed a specific interest (most have simply not replied or answered the phone).

BE AWARE - this list *also includes* lost leads as per this list, but each has given a wide variety of reasons for having no interest either by email or over the phone (each will be detailed on their CRM record). Their level of interest may change now the price point has been reviewed.

"Current ops" = prospects that responded to initial campaign and expressed interest, some having had demos, and are being followed-up (activities set in CRM)

"Closed ops" = prospects that responded to initial campaign and expressed interest, some having had demos, however have since declined further comms or withdrawn interest (full details on CRM record for each)

Note: prospects that have unsubscribed, either by clicking the link in an email, or manually replying and asking to be removed, do not appear in any of the above lists. Instead, they are listed separately here.

7. Create your multi-step email and follow-up campaign to the list you have selected, using text-replacement fields to fill in their first name and company name in the email accordingly.

8. Repeat the process for the other lists as required (as it's definitely advisable to vary your approach for those prospects that have already expressed an interest in some way - and also for those that *did* express an interest, but have since withdrawn it).