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< Back to Article ListNetwork Security Policy
Last updated: 22 November 2023 at 16:40:01 UTC by Finlay Wilson
1. Introduction
1.1. This Network Security Policy is the overarching policy for data security and protection for Junari Ltd. (hereafter referred to as "us", "we", or "our").
2. Purpose
2.1. This document sets out our policy for the protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the network, establishes responsibilities for network security and provides reference to documentation relevant to this policy.
3. Scope
3.1. This policy applies to all staff, including temporary staff and contractors.
3.2. This policy applies to our networks which are used for:
3.2.1. The storage, sharing and transmission of non-clinical data and images.
3.2.2. The storage, sharing and transmission of clinical data and images.
3.2.3. Printing or scanning non-clinical or clinical data or images.
3.2.4. The provision of internet systems for receiving, sending and storing non-clinical or clinical data or images.
4. Policy
4.1. Our information network will be available when needed, can be accessed only by legitimate users and will contain complete and accurate information.
4.2. The network must also be able to withstand or recover from threats to its availability, integrity and confidentiality. To satisfy this we undertake to:
4.2.1. Protect all hardware, software and information assets under its control.
4.2.2. Provide effective protection that is commensurate with the risks to its network assets.
4.2.3. Implement the Network Security Policy in a consistent and timely manner.
4.2.4. To comply with all relevant legislation.
5. Risk assessments
5.1. We will carry out security risk assessment(s) in relation to all the business processes covered by this policy. These risk assessments will cover all aspects of the network that are used to support those business processes.
5.2. The risk assessment will identify the appropriate security countermeasures necessary to protect against possible breaches in confidentiality, integrity and availability.
6. Physical & environmental security
6.1. Critical or sensitive network equipment will be housed in secure areas, protected by a secure perimeter, with appropriate security barriers and entry controls.
6.2. The Facilities Manager is responsible for ensuring that door lock codes are changed periodically, following a compromise of the code, if she/he suspects the code has been compromised, or when requested to do so by the IT Manager or equivalent job role.
6.3. Critical or sensitive network equipment will be protected from power supply failures.
6.4. Critical or sensitive network equipment will be protected by intruder alarms and fire suppression systems.
6.5. Smoking, eating and drinking is forbidden in areas housing critical or sensitive network equipment.
6.6. The IT Manager is responsible for authorising all visitors to secure network areas and for making visitors aware of network security requirements.
6.7. All visitors to secure network areas must be logged in and out. The log will contain name, organisation, purpose of visit, date, and time in and out.
6.8. The Office Manager will ensure that all relevant staff are made aware of procedures for visitors and that visitors are escorted, when necessary.
7. Access control to secure network areas
7.1. Entry to secure areas housing critical or sensitive network equipment will be restricted to those whose job requires it.
7.2. The IT Manager will maintain and periodically review a list of those with unsupervised access.
8. Access control to the network
8.1. Access to the network will be via a secure log-on procedure, designed to minimise the opportunity for unauthorised access.
8.2. Third party access to the network will be based on a formal written contract.
8.3. All third-party access to the network must be logged.
9. External network connections
9.1. If applicable: We will ensure that all connections to external networks and systems have documented and approved System Security Policies.
9.2. The IT Manager must approve all connections to external networks and systems before they commence operation.
10. Maintenance contracts
10.1. The IT Manager will ensure that maintenance contracts are maintained and periodically reviewed for all network equipment.
10.2. All contract details will constitute part of the Information Asset register (IAR).
11. Data & software exchange
11.1. Formal agreements for the exchange of data and software between organisations must be established and approved by the IG Manager.
11.2. All exchanges of data between organisations will be recorded on the Record of Processing Activities (ROPA).
12. Fault logging
12.1. The IT Team are responsible for ensuring that a log of all faults on the network is maintained and reviewed. The Fault Logging Procedure is located in the IT Team SharePoint files.
13. Security operating procedures
13.1. Written guidance on the network security is located on the IT Team SharePoint
13.2. Changes to operating procedures must be authorised by the IT Manager.
14. Network operating procedures
14.1. Written guidance on the network is located on the IT Team SharePoint
14.2. Changes to operating procedures must be authorised by the IT Manager.
15. User responsibilities, awareness & training
15.1. We will ensure that all users of the network are provided with the necessary security guidance, awareness and training to discharge their security responsibilities.
15.2. These procedures will be outlined in the staff handbook.
16. Accreditation of network systems
16.1. The IT Manager is responsible for ensuring that the network does not pose an unacceptable security risk to the organisation. They will require checks on, or an audit of, actual implementations based on approved security policies.
17. Malicious software
17.1. We will ensure that measures are in place to detect and protect the network from viruses and other malicious software.
18. Secure disposal or re-use of equipment
18.1. We will ensure that where equipment is being disposed of all data on the equipment (e.g., on hard disks, drives or tapes) is disposed of in-line with our Data Protection Policy.
19. System change control
19.1. The IT Manager is responsible for updating all relevant Network Security Policies, design documentation, security operating procedures and network operating procedures.
20. Reporting security incidents & weaknesses
20.1. All potential security breaches must be investigated and reported to the IG Manager.
20.2. We will follow the procedures set out in our Data Protection Policy.
21. Business continuity & disaster recovery plans
21.1. Network security will be included in our organisational business continuity plan.
21.2. The plans must be reviewed and tested on a regular basis.
22. Approval
22.1. This policy has been approved by the undersigned and will be reviewed at least annually.
Name |
Dom Tyler |
Signature |
Dom Tyler |
Approval Date |
21/12/2022 |
Review Date |
21/12/2023 |