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Last updated: 22 November 2023 at 16:39:51 UTC by Finlay Wilson
Junari acknowledges and accepts the widespread use of social media and other internet platforms by employees. However, Junari must ensure that the client confidentiality and reputation of the organisation is not compromised by the use of social media/internet and IT equipment and therefore all employees are required to read and comply with this policy.
Junari adheres to UK Data Protection laws – see Data Protection Policy.
Representing Junari
Staff may indicate on their social media profiles etc. that they are an employee of Junari. However, no suggestion may be made by the employee that they represent Junari or the views of Junari on any social media or other internet site.
The employee may not seek to promote or market Junari in any way on a personal social media platform without the express authority of Junari. However, sharing/forwarding of posts already created by Junari is encouraged.
An employee may not set up a social media profile or other internet site on behalf of Junari without the express authority of Junari unless to do so forms part of the employee’s job description.
Where an email signature is used, it must be created from the Junari signature template design. Employees should not create their own designs.
Use of E-Mail
· E-mail should normally only be used to communicate internally with colleagues and externally to clients and suppliers, on business related issues. Messages to family or friends, and others are permitted, but must be of a serious nature and be as brief as possible. The mailing of jokes containing sexually explicit or otherwise offensive material, either internally or externally may be regarded as gross misconduct.
· No e-mail may contain any references to other individuals which might be construed as libellous.
· No e-mail communication, which might be regarded as harassing or insulting, may be sent using Junari’s system.
· Junari recognises that it is not always possible to control incoming mail. Any material which would be considered as non-business-like, sexually explicit or offensive should be deleted at once. Any employee who finds that they are receiving such communications from known sources is responsible for contacting that source in order to request that such communication is not repeated.
· E-mail may be used for the despatch of formal documents such as contracts or proposals, but it should be borne in mind that documents issued this way are just as legally binding as those sent conventionally. However, please remember that e-mail can be intercepted on the internet and if confidentiality is an issue, avoid it or take steps to ensure its security.
· If employees receive virus warnings via e-mail, they should take no action whatsoever other than informing the IT team immediately.
· E-mails sent internally may be sent in an informal style, but staff are asked to observe the normal courtesy that they would extend in written memos.
· E-mails which are sent to recipients outside Junari should be composed in a business-like manner.
· Unsolicited e-mails must not be sent at any time. Any ‘junk’ mail received should be deleted.
· It is a disciplinary offence to access another individuals’ e-mail facility by using their password, or for employees to give out their own password to anyone else.
· Computers, networks, e-mail systems etc are the property of Junari. Emails are not the property of staff and as such there can be no expectation of privacy.
Internet / Social Media content related to Junari
As a general rule, employees should refrain from making any comment about their employment or Junari, regardless of tone or context.
In particular, employees must not make any comment or post any content on their social media profiles or any other internet site which can be accessed by members of the public or clients of Junari and which could reasonably be considered to damage the reputation of Junari or any other employee, agent or contractor of Junari.
Employees have the opportunity to raise issues regarding their employment through the Grievance Policy (POL 20) and this is the proper course of action where they have a complaint.
Making comments or posting comments on a public profile or forum which may adversely affect Junari may result in formal disciplinary proceedings being commenced against the employee.
Internet / Social Media content related to clients of Junari
Employees must not, unless with the express authority of Junari, make a comment or post content on social media or other internet site which discloses information relating to any client of Junari or the operations of Junari.
A failure of any employee to comply with this requirement may result in formal disciplinary proceedings being commenced against the employee.
Offensive comments or conduct
Where an employee has indicated that they are an employee of Junari on a social media or other internet site and that profile or site is accessible to members of the public or clients of Junari then the employee should refrain from making comments or posting content which could reasonably be considered to cause offence on the basis of race, nationality, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation.
Where the employee makes such comments or posts such content then formal disciplinary proceedings may be taken against the employee where Junari considers that the comments or content could adversely affect the reputation of Junari.
Privacy Settings
It is recommended that employees ensure that they have appropriate privacy settings applied to their social media profiles where they have indicated that they are employed by Junari and may post comments or content of any form about Junari or any of its agents, employees or contractors.
Such privacy settings should limit access to the profile (or at least content relating to Junari) to your approved ‘friends’ or ‘contacts’ and not the public in general.
Internet Use
The internet is available for use on Junari equipment in order to assist employees in the performance of their job role. The internet should not be used for personal use.
Abuse of the internet at work may result in formal disciplinary proceedings being commenced against an employee.
Junari respects the right of each employee to privacy and it is the preference of Junari that no monitoring should be required of an employee’s email and internet use.
However, Junari reserves the right to monitor and review email and internet use where it is in the best interests of the organisation to do so, for example, to investigate performance and conduct issues or matters of public interest such as activity which is criminal or in breach of health and safety rules.
Junari will only monitor internet and email use in a proportionate manner and those persons carrying out the monitoring activities will be required to treat any information disclosed in the process as confidential.
Only information relating to the matter which has prompted the monitoring process will be obtained and stored unless information which Junari could not reasonably be expected to ignore is discovered, such as that which indicates a crime or breach of health and safety or organisational rules.
· Mobile Phones:
It is more cost effective to use your mobile to make all calls than use a landline (unless using the internal phone system). However, we would still ask that you are mindful of use. Junari mobile phones must not be used for personal calls, personal text-messaging or personal internet use. Each itemised bill will be monitored on a monthly basis and any concerns will be raised by the Senior Management Team.
Junari mobile phones are set up to keep Junari’s data secure. Therefore, personal phones should not be used for work, e.g. making work calls or checking work emails, without the express permission of Senior Management.
Junari is aware that phones must be switched off whilst at meetings, appointments and on training courses. Voicemail messages should be responded to as soon as possible after the mobile can be switched back on. Anyone with their mobile phone switched off whilst on shift or failing to respond to messages without good reason may face disciplinary action. Personal mobile phones may only be used in emergency situations whilst on shift.
It is an offence to make or take calls on a mobile phone whilst driving. Junari therefore advises of the following guidelines:
· Do not answer a mobile phone whilst driving
· Being caught talking on a mobile whilst driving will be seen as a disciplinary offence
· The use of hands-free phones is legal when you’re driving or riding; however if the police think you are distracted and/or not in control of your vehicle you could still get stopped and penalised, so avoid this where possible
· Any driving fines will have to be paid by the employee, not Junari
· Should a driver’s licence be revoked, this may result in dismissal if a large part of the job consists of driving.
· Digital Cameras (including mobile phone cameras):
The use of digital camera facilities (both personal and work) is prohibited whilst at work to safeguard all other colleagues and service users. The only exemption to this is where the camera is used for work purposes, with the written permission of the person/s photographed. Permission must be given by completion of form QU14 – Consent for Image Use, and the form sent to Head Office.
· Laptops/tablets:
Employees are provided with Junari laptops that have been equipped with the appropriate anti-virus and other security measures. Personal laptops are not to be used for work purposes without the express permission of Senior Management.
Employees will not allow Junari laptops to be used by anyone other than the employee they are assigned to.
Employees will not use equipment whilst logged in as someone else – i.e. always ensure that when you leave a computer, you log out of Microsoft 365/Charitylog/any other software with sensitive data.
Employees will not download any software without permission from the IT team, with the exception of updates to existing software.
Employees will save all documents onto the relevant cloud area (OneDrive or Microsoft 365 group) – no files are to be saved to C: drive or the desktop.
Loss of or Damage to equipment:
In the event of damage to or loss of company equipment, the circumstances will be considered and you may, if deemed appropriate, be required to pay the total amount, or a proportion, of the replacement costs.
IT training will be provided as required, either from line managers or from the IT Team. Training will be made available on the use of Microsoft 365, internet security and specified software as appropriate to the employee’s role.
Unused Equipment
Staff will return any equipment that is not being used to Head Office as soon as possible, so it can be allocated elsewhere.